Sunday, August 30, 2009



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I guess I have to give a little explanation here. There is no refining step between “flat” step 10 and “3D-like” step 11, just because there weren’t any additional steps. I just painted all the lights and shadows over the flat color. Step 12 shows the step when I switched to Corel Painter to blend all rough brushstrokes. Step 13 is color correction ( adding more blacks in shadows ) and …the signing:)


  1. Amazing!!! Damn Denis, you are TOO GOOD!!!

    Thanks for sharing your work process, it's so inspirational.

  2. Awesome making of piece man, really cool to see ur process :)

  3. Nice presentation and wonderfull work!

  4. Your style is fantastic! Thanks for sharing.

  5. Вау! Спасибо за экспресс-мастеркласс! Давно хотел попросить подобный урок!

  6. Superb work- love how you left the redesign in too...fantastic. So you start in PS and then use blending tools in painter?

  7. ...Although here's a question- why do you do the value painting then knock it all back to grey before you do the flats?

  8. Hey JP!
    Yeah, if I need some kind of smooth look, with nice and clean transitions I use Painter's blender. Photoshop's smudge tool just isn't good and fast enough for that.

    After I do value painting I switch to pen tool to make clean contour of the character. Then I fill it with some basic neutral color, like grey or brown. It's the base, I won't change it. Then I lock the transparensy and paint color blocks over it.
