Saturday, July 24, 2010

As promised here is the whole process

This video is Full HD so you can easily expand it to full screen.


  1. Great video, Denis.
    Very inspirational.

  2. I stumbled across this video thanks for posting I was curious, I saw that you had layers locked as you were painting, was this to lock the selection so that you only paint on the area that is painted? and the brushed you used are these brushes you make you self based on what you like, thanks in advance

  3. Yes, I lock layers to paint fast on selected area without breaking it's clean shape.
    In this video I used pretty basic Photoshop brushes, nothing fancy. I've made few touches with one custom-made brush, but I could do without it pretty easily. Usually I use about 80% of standard brushes and about 20% those I made myself.

  4. Awesome! Thats a pretty clever process, smart.

  5. cool,
    thanks for this inspirational video..
    do you use tablet or mouse?

  6. Otlichnyi baiker!V animaciu ego!:o)

  7. Yes this one is awesome as well. I've not seen the pen tool used in such an efficient manner before. Very very cool. Thank you for sharing.

  8. Wouha.. awesome video... and good work!
