Friday, March 30, 2012

Bride – process


1. Initial rough sketch in Photoshop
2. Second pass sketch
3. Ink in Manga Studio
4. Basic color blocking ( back to Photoshop )
5. Details and shadows
6. Occlusion, highlights and color correction


  1. Denis amazing job, really cool.
    But I could not see the difference between steps 5 and 6.
    Thanks for sharing.

  2. WwWOAA!! Thank you for sharing and explaining your process to this beautiful art work!! :D

  3. Thanks for sharing! Can I ask you why did you use manga studio for the digital ink? Do you think it is better than Photoshop or maybe Flash?

  4. Thank you guys!
    @Jorge Zaiba: If you look carefully you'll see difference in shadows and highlights:)

    @Alex: Frankly speaking it was my first time, I never used Manga Studio before, but it looks like very nice software for inking. It creates very smooth and beautiful lines, more smooth than in Photoshop and more controllable than in Flash. Feels like Illustrator but in raster.
